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How to current (not previous) state on windows popstate

I am grabbing popstate and need to do various thing based on the current and originalEvent in the history stack. However, I can't figure out how to get the current state for comparison, but originalEvent works. Here's my JS code. The first IF statement throws an exception that e.state.id is not defined...

$(window).on("popstate", function(e) {
        //check and compare current state
        if (e.state.id == 'something') {  // throws an exception
            *do something*
        } else if (e.originalEvent.state !== null) { //previous state exists?
            *do something*
        } else { //no previous state
            *do something*

FYI, the push state is being set as:

history.pushState({id: 'view'}, '', '/view');
like image 247
0pt1m1z3 Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 15:06


1 Answers

Extended History Object

This is my source you can see full resource from https://gist.github.com/HasanDelibas/12050fc59d675181ea973d21f882081a

This library contains:

  • history.states -> get state list
  • history.stateIndex -> current state index
  • "historyChange" event -> detect history change (from,to,side="back"|"forward")
  • Important! state must be object at history.pushState( **state**, ...)
  let stateSymbol = "__state__index__";
  history.stateIndex =-1;
  let pushState = history.pushState;
  function add(data,title,url){
    if(data==null) data={};
    if(typeof data!="object") data={data:data};
    data[stateSymbol] = (history.stateIndex+1);
  history.pushState =function(data,title,url=null){
    var eventObject= {};
    var newStateIndex =  e.state!=null ? e.state[stateSymbol] : -1;
    eventObject.from = history.states[history.stateIndex];
    eventObject.to   = newStateIndex>-1 ? history.states[newStateIndex] : null;
    eventObject.side = history.stateIndex>newStateIndex ? "back" : "forward"; 
    if( newStateIndex > -1 && !(newStateIndex in history.states) ){
    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("historyChange", {detail: eventObject} ))
    history.stateIndex = e.state!=null ? e.state[stateSymbol] : -1;

Now you can get all states with history.states object, and detect history change with addEventListener("popstate",function(e))


  * @param e.detail.from [data,title,url]
  * @param e.detail.to   [data,title,url]
  * @param e.detail.side "back" | "forward"
  var from = e.detail.from; // [ data , title , url ]
  var to   = e.detail.to;   // [ data , title , url ]
  var side = e.detail.side; // "back" | "forward"
  console.log( `You changed history. Side is ${e.detail.side}.\nFrom:${e.detail.from[2]}\nTo:${e.detail.to[2]}`)

history.pushState("1", "DENEME-TEST" ,"?1");
history.pushState("2", "DENEME-TEST" ,"?2");
// list of history states
console.log( history.states )
  [ {...} ,  "DENEME-TEST" ,"?1" ]
  [ {...} ,  "DENEME-TEST" ,"?2" ]
// get history current state index
console.log( history.stateIndex )

like image 160
Hasan Delibaş Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Hasan Delibaş