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How to crop away convexity defects?

I'm trying to detect and fine-locate some objects in images from contours. The contours that I get often include some noise (maybe form the background, I don't know). The objects should look similar to rectangles or squares like:

enter image description here

I get very good results with shape matching (cv::matchShapes) to detect contours with those objects in them, with and without noise, but I have problems with the fine-location in case of noise.

Noise looks like:

enter image description here or enter image description here for example.

My idea was to find convexity defects and if they become too strong, somehow crop away the part that leads to concavity. Detecting the defects is ok, typically I get two defects per "unwanted structure", but I'm stuck on how to decide what and where I should remove points from the contours.

Here are some contours, their masks (so you can extract the contours easily) and the convex hull including thresholded convexity defects:

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Could I just walk through the contour and locally decide whether a "left turn" is performed by the contour (if walking clockwise) and if so, remove contour points until the next left turn is taken? Maybe starting at a convexity defect?

I'm looking for algorithms or code, programming language should not be important, algorithm is more important.

like image 787
Micka Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 14:02


1 Answers

Here is a Python implementation following Miki's code.

import numpy as np
import cv2

def ed2(lhs, rhs):
    return(lhs[0] - rhs[0])*(lhs[0] - rhs[0]) + (lhs[1] - rhs[1])*(lhs[1] - rhs[1])

def remove_from_contour(contour, defectsIdx, tmp):
    minDist = sys.maxsize
    startIdx, endIdx = 0, 0

    for i in range(0,len(defectsIdx)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(defectsIdx)):
            dist = ed2(contour[defectsIdx[i]][0], contour[defectsIdx[j]][0])
            if minDist > dist:
                minDist = dist
                startIdx = defectsIdx[i]
                endIdx = defectsIdx[j]

    if startIdx <= endIdx:
        inside = contour[startIdx:endIdx]
        len1 = 0 if inside.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(inside, False)
        outside1 = contour[0:startIdx]
        outside2 = contour[endIdx:len(contour)]
        len2 = (0 if outside1.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(outside1, False)) + (0 if outside2.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(outside2, False))
        if len2 < len1:
            startIdx,endIdx = endIdx,startIdx     
        inside = contour[endIdx:startIdx]
        len1 = 0 if inside.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(inside, False)
        outside1 = contour[0:endIdx]
        outside2 = contour[startIdx:len(contour)]
        len2 = (0 if outside1.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(outside1, False)) + (0 if outside2.size == 0 else cv2.arcLength(outside2, False))
        if len1 < len2:
            startIdx,endIdx = endIdx,startIdx

    if startIdx <= endIdx:
        out = np.concatenate((contour[0:startIdx], contour[endIdx:len(contour)]), axis=0)
        out = contour[endIdx:startIdx]
    return out

def remove_defects(mask, debug=False):
    tmp = mask.copy()
    mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # get contour
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
        mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    assert len(contours) > 0, "No contours found"
    contour = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)[-1] #largest contour
    if debug:
        init = cv2.drawContours(tmp.copy(), [contour], 0, (255, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
        figure, ax = plt.subplots(1)
        ax.set_title("Initital Contour")

    hull = cv2.convexHull(contour, returnPoints=False)
    defects = cv2.convexityDefects(contour, hull)

    while True:
        defectsIdx = []
        for i in range(defects.shape[0]):
            s, e, f, d = defects[i, 0]
            start = tuple(contour[s][0])
            end = tuple(contour[e][0])
            far = tuple(contour[f][0])
            depth = d / 256
            if depth > 2:

        if len(defectsIdx) < 2:

        contour = remove_from_contour(contour, defectsIdx, tmp)
        hull = cv2.convexHull(contour, returnPoints=False)
        defects = cv2.convexityDefects(contour, hull)

    if debug:
      rslt = cv2.drawContours(tmp.copy(), [contour], 0, (0, 255, 255), 1)
      figure, ax = plt.subplots(1)
      ax.set_title("Corrected Contour")

mask = cv2.imread("a.png")
remove_defects(mask, True)
like image 186
Maxi Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
