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How to create user in mongodb with docker-compose

I'm trying to create some kind of script that will create a docker with mongodb and automatically create a user.

I can usually manage my docker images with docker-compose but this time, I don't know how to do it.

Basically, here is what I have to do:

  1. clean/destroy container (docker-compose down)
  2. create a docker container with mongodb and start it (without --auth parameter)
  3. execute a java script containing db.createUser()
  4. stop the container
  5. restart the same container with --auth parameter to allow login with the user created in the javascript

I can't find how to do that properly with docker-compose because when it starts, I have to give it the command --auth. If I do that, I cannot execute my javascript to add my user. MongoDB allows users creation without being logged in if there is no user and if --auth parameter is not provided.

I want to do that automatically, I do not want to manually do some commands. The goal is to have a script that can be executed before each integration tests to start from a clean database.

Here is my project:


    container_name: mongo
    image: mongo
    - "27017:27017"
    - .:/setup
  command: --auth


docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
sleep 1
docker exec mongo bash -c "mongo myDatabase /setup/mongodb-setup.js"


    user: "myUser",
    pwd: "myPassword",
    roles: [
      { role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }

Finding a way to start again a container with a new parameter (in this case --auth) would help but I can't find how to do that (docker start does not take parameters).

Any idea how I should do what I would like ?

If not, I can still delete everything from my database with some Java code or something else but I would like a complete mongodb docker setup created with a script.

like image 649
jOHNdOE Avatar asked May 24 '16 20:05


People also ask

How do I access Docker in MongoDB?

You can connect to MongoDB on localhost:27017 . Then use the following command to open the MongoDB shell. I have used mymongo as an arbitrary container name, though you can replace mymongo with test-mongo or any other container name of your choosing. The show dbs command will display all your existing databases.

How can I access a MongoDB container from another container?

If you need to access the MongoDB server from another application running locally, you will need to expose a port using the -p argument. Using this method, you will be able to connect to your MongoDB instance on mongodb://localhost:27017 . You can try it with Compass, MongoDB's GUI to visualize and analyze your data.

How do I link my local Docker to MongoDB?

For connecting to your local MongoDB instance from a Container you must first allow to accept connections from the Docker bridge gateway. To do so, simply add the respective gateway IP in the MongoDB config file /etc/mongod. conf under bindIp in the network interface section.

4 Answers

The official mongo image now supports following environment variables that can be used in docker-compose as below:


more explanation at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42917632/1069610

like image 97
jzqa Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


EDIT: tutumcloud repository is deprecated and no longer maintained, see other answers

I suggest that you use environment variables to set mongo user, database and password. tutum (owned by Docker) published a very good image


docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e MONGODB_USER="user" -e MONGODB_DATABASE="mydatabase" -e MONGODB_PASS="mypass" tutum/mongodb

You may convert these variables into docker-compose environments variables. You don't have to hard code it.

    MONGODB_USER: "${db_user_env}"
    MONGODB_DATABASE: "${dbname_env}"
    MONGODB_PASS: "${db_pass}"

This configuration will read from your session's environment variables.

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timchunght Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


This is how I do it, my requirement was to bring up a few containers along with mongodb, the other containers expect a user to be present when they come up, this worked for me. The good part is, the mongoClientTemp exits after the command is executed so the container doesn't stick around.

version: '2'
   image: mongo:latest
   container_name: mongo
    - "27017:27017"
    - /app/hdp/mongo/data:/data/db

   image: mongo:latest
   container_name: mongoClientTemp
    - mongo:mongo
   command: mongo --host mongo --eval  "db.getSiblingDB('dashboard').createUser({user:'db', pwd:'dbpass', roles:[{role:'readWrite',db:'dashboard'}]});"
    - mongo

   image: another-image:v01
   container_name: another-container
    - "8080:8080"
    - ./logs:/app/logs
    - MONGODB_HOST=mongo
    - MONGODB_PORT=27017
    - mongo:mongo
    - mongoClientTemp
like image 22
GreenThumb Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


After reading the the official mongo docker page, I've found that you can create an admin user one single time, even if the auth option is being used. This is not well documented, but it simply works (hope it is not a feature). Therefore, you can keep using the auth option all the time.

I created a github repository with scripts wrapping up the commands to be used. The most important command lines to run are:

docker exec db_mongodb mongo admin /setup/create-admin.js
docker exec db_mongodb mongo admin /setup/create-user.js -u admin -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin

The first line will create the admin user (and mongo will not complain even with auth option). The second line will create your "normal" user, using the admin rights from the first one.

like image 3
Emanuel Müller Ramos Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10

Emanuel Müller Ramos