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How to create type hinting for a generic factory method?

How can type hints be declared to indicate that a function returns an instance of the class reference that is passed as an argument?

Declaring it as follows does not seem right, as it indicates that the returned type is the same as the type of the argument:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def my_factory(some_class: T) -> T:
    instance_of_some_class = some_class()
    return instance_of_some_class

Example usage:

class MyClass:

my_class = my_factory(MyClass)  # Inferred type should be MyClass
like image 351
David Pärsson Avatar asked Feb 14 '17 13:02

David Pärsson

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What is the purpose of type hinting?

Type hints improve IDEs and linters. They make it much easier to statically reason about your code. Type hints help you build and maintain a cleaner architecture. The act of writing type hints forces you to think about the types in your program.

1 Answers

According to PEP-484, the right way to do this is to use Type[T] for the argument:

from typing import TypeVar, Type

T = TypeVar('T')

def my_factory(some_class: Type[T]) -> T:
    instance_of_some_class = some_class()
    return instance_of_some_class

It however seems like my editor does not (yet) support this.

like image 85
David Pärsson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10

David Pärsson