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How to create thumbnails or preview for videos?

i want to display thumbnails or preview panels for videos listed on my site, i want to fetch a single frame from a video (from a particular time i.e get a frame of exactly after 1 min) and display them as thumbnails as in youtube...

Any help?

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Vijay Avatar asked Feb 15 '10 11:02


People also ask

What is a video preview thumbnail?

A video thumbnail is a still image that acts as the preview image for your video. It's kind of like a book cover. And, like a book cover, it should entice a potential viewer to want to see more. The term “thumbnail” originated with still images.

How do Youtubers create their thumbnails?

Once you upload your video, YouTube will give you three auto-generated thumbnails options to choose from. Besides that, you can also see an option for uploading a custom thumbnail. Click on this button and upload your custom thumbnail. And you are done!

1 Answers

Take a look at the ffmpeg-php library. It's the only simple way to manipulate videos of different formats in PHP.

There's also a wrapper called PHP Video Toolkit, you can find it here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpvideotoolkit/

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napolux Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09
