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How to create symlink for storage public folder for Lumen





I have used the following command to create symnlink for storage public folder for my project which I'm doing in Lumen . => php artisan storage:link

But I am getting this error in terminal =>

There are no commands defined in the "storage" namespace.

Another query is though I'm able to upload file in storage folder , how I'm able to access, I need some sample code for this. Kindly help.

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Soumik Chakraborty Avatar asked Dec 12 '17 12:12

Soumik Chakraborty

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2 Answers

I created by this unix command :

ln -s sourceforwhich symnlinkfolderpath e.g.:

ln -s /data/html/projectfolder/storage/app/public /data/html/projectfolder/public/storage

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Soumik Chakraborty Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09

Soumik Chakraborty

This is for windows,

First of all run cmd with administrator if you are on another user not in admin and then go to your project's public path e.g. project/path/public.

Then run below command,

mklink /D "storage\" "E:absolute/static/path~/storage/app/public/"

For e.g.,

mklink /D "storage\" "E:/User Name/Work/My Projects/storage/app/public/"

Hopefully it will help for Lumen windows users.

like image 23
Jaydeep Mor Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09

Jaydeep Mor