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How to create read-only field in View

I have a form with 2 fields - empno and name. Both fill up with default value. When display in view, I want empno is read-only and name is editable.

In view creation, I am using @leaveform.value.get.empno to display ready-only and work fine. The problem only occur during insert with error ([NoSuchElementException: None.get]).


  1. The problem is return error does not have value property. What else could I use to get the value?
  2. Could I skip @inputText for read-only field?

Refer below my code:

// ***** CONTROLLER *****//

val leaveform = Form[LeaveModel](
          "empno" -> nonEmptyText,
          "name" -> nonEmptyText
      )((no, empno) => LeaveModel(empno, name))
      ((leave: LeaveModel) => Some(leave.empno, leave.name))

def create = withAuth { username => implicit request =>

  // Define default values
  val empno = "STUDENT"
  val name = ""

  // Set default values
  val filledForm = leaveform.fill(LeaveModel(empno,name))

def insert = Action (
    implicit request => {
            error => {
                BadRequest(html.leave.form(error)) // Question 1. Here is the error.
            leave => {

// ***** VIEW START***** //
@(leaveform: Form[LeaveModel])
    action = (routes.LeaveController.update(oid)),
        'id -> "leaveform") {
            @inputText(leaveform("empno")) // Question 2. 
like image 900
Simon Siah Avatar asked Jan 15 '13 16:01

Simon Siah

People also ask

How do I make field read only in edit mode?

Try this: <field name="branch_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('id', '>', 0)]}" required="1"/>. You need to first define the id field (it's an integer field) and put it in the view.

1 Answers

It is not mandatory to use the form helpers. If you use them you can pass the attribute readonly or style the field with CSS to make it look read only.

  • Twitter bootstrap disabled by CSS:

        'id -> "createdOn", 
        'class -> "input-xlarge disabled", 
        '_label -> Messages("createdOn"), 
        '_help -> ""
  • Pass optional attribute: readonly

        'id -> "createdOn", 
        'class -> "input-xlarge", 
        '_label -> Messages("createdOn"), 
        'readonly -> "readonly", 
        '_help -> " This is read only"
  • You can also don't resend the field, but display its value:

    <span class="date">Created on: @editForm("createdOn").value</span>
  • Update 2018-01-24

Play field is now returning a Optional, see the docs. This means you can get the value from the field like:

  • @form("fieldName").getValue.get (can throw a NPE)
  • @form("fieldName").getValue.getOrElse("defaultValue")
like image 169
adis Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 19:10
