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How to create random string or Number in artillery load testing script?

For bombarding the server with multiple request with random data in parameters, how can I do it?

the message block in artillery script is as below,


                "order1": "jngfj2434",  
                "size": "4433",

I need to send order1 with randomstring and size in the range of 1 to 10,000 randomly.

like image 921
Chintamani Manjare Avatar asked Jan 04 '18 13:01

Chintamani Manjare

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1 Answers

Below code is working for me.


            "order1": "{{ $randomString() }}",  
            "size": "{{$randomNumber(1,10000)}}",
like image 114
Chintamani Manjare Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10

Chintamani Manjare