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How to create PayPal website payment pro sandbox account?

I was trying to make website payment pro sandbox account. I followed all instructions (from my sellers sandbox account applied for website payment pro, clicked on "save and continue" button after entering all information) but I am getting blank page from PayPal as response.

Does anyone know how to create Paypal Payments pro in Sandbox account ?

like image 809
Jyoti Saxena Avatar asked Oct 19 '11 11:10

Jyoti Saxena

People also ask

How do I set up PayPal payments on standard website?

Payment buttons let you securely accept credit card, debit card, and PayPal payments on your website from any mobile device, tablet, or PC. Simply log in to the PayPal website to create, and optionally customize, a payment button. Then copy and paste the payment button's HTML code snippet to your website.

1 Answers

Go to https://developer.paypal.com/ and login using a valid PayPal account.

  1. Click on 'Dashboard'
  2. Click on 'Accounts' under the 'Sandbox' heading

Use the following values:
Country: United States
Credit card: Visa
Bank account: No
Balance: Up to you
Password: Use something easy to remember

Create the account and retrieve the API credentials by clicking on the little arrow on the left of the account. Click 'Profile' followed by 'API Acess' in the modal window that opens up.

like image 142
Robert Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11
