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How to create notification system in rails?

Basically, I want to create a notification like Facebook and Stackoverflow. Specifically, in a Post-Comments system, when a post get commented, everyone involved (people who creates the post and who create comments, except the new commenter) gets a notification message that this post get commented. And the notification get dismissed when people have read it.

I have tried to use mailboxer gem to implement it, but saddly there is no example available using its related methods, including social_stream itself.

Is there other way to create the Notification System?

And when I try to create it from scratch I get several problems:

    Model Notification
    topic_id: integer
    user_id: integer
    checked: boolean #so we can tell whether the notification is read or not
  1. Dismissing the notication after being read by users

I think we just need to turn every notification messages' "checked" attribute to true after user visit the index of notification.(In the NotificationsController)

    def index
      @notification.each do |notification|
         notification.checked = true

2.Selecting users to notify(and exclude the user making new comment)

I just have no idea in wrting queries....

3.Creating notifications

I think this should be something like

    #in CommentController
    def create
      #after creating comments, creat notifications
      @users.each do |user|
        Notification.create(topic_id:@topic, user_id: user.id)

But I think this is really ugly

There is no need to anwer the 3 problems above, Any simple solution to the Notification System is preferable , thanks....

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cqcn1991 Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 13:03


2 Answers

I think you are on the right path.

A slightly better notifications#index

def index
  @notifications = current_user.notications
  @notifications.update_all checked: true
  1. Notify this users

    User.uniq.joins(:comments).where(comments: {id: @comment.post.comment_ids}).reject {|user| user == current_user }

Unique users that participated in the @comment's post comments, reject (remove from result) current_user.

  1. An observer as pointed out by João Daniel, it is preferred over an after_create. This "Rails best practice" describes it pretty well: http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2010/07/24/use-observer
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Leonel Galán Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11

Leonel Galán

there is an amazing gem called public activity ,,you can customize it as you want and here is a screencast about it in railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/406-public-activity hope that could help you.


In my rails application I made a similar notifications system like yours to send notifications to all users but in index action you can user


and also to send only one notifications to the user once not several times that somebody commented on the post you can use unique_by method

  @comments [email protected]_by {|a| a[:user_id]}

then you can send notifications to only users of previous comments

 @comments.each do |comment|

hope that could help you

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Remon Amin Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 18:11

Remon Amin