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How to create new values in a pandas dataframe column based on values from another column

I have a pandas dataframe of values I read in from a csv file. I have a column labeled 'SleepQuality' and the values are float from 0.0 - 100.0. I want to create a new column labeled 'SleepQualityGroup' where values from the original column btw 0 - 49 have a value of 0 in the new column, 50 - 59 = 1 , 60 - 69 = 2, 70 - 79 = 3, 80 - 89 = 4, and 90 - 100 = 5

What would be the best formula to use in order to do this? I am stuck on the logic needed to identify all values in each range and assign to the new value.

An example of what the output would like like below in the new 'SleepQualityGroup' column.

SleepQuality    SleepQualityGroup
80.4              4
90.1              5
66.4              2
50.3              1
86.2              4
75.4              3
45.7              0
91.5              5
61.3              2 
54                1
58.2              1
like image 286
DEB Avatar asked Oct 03 '17 14:10


1 Answers

Use pd.cut i.e

df['new'] = pd.cut(df['SleepQuality'],bins=[0,50 , 60, 70 , 80 , 90,100], labels=[0,1,2,3,4,5])


        SleepQuality  SleepQualityGroup new
0           80.4                  4   4
1           90.1                  5   5
2           66.4                  2   2
3           50.3                  1   1
4           86.2                  4   4
5           75.4                  3   3
6           45.7                  0   0
7           91.5                  5   5
8           61.3                  2   2
9           54.0                  1   1
10          58.2                  1   1
like image 154
Bharath Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
