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How to create nested test suites for Selenium IDE?

I need to create a nested test suite in Selenium that will run in the Selenium IDE or the Selenium TestRunner. This is basically the structure that I'm trying to achieve:

 - ComponentTestSuite.html
    - TestCase1.html
    - TestCase2.html
 - OtherComponentTestSuite.html
    - TestCase3.html
    - TestCase4.html

I NEED to be able to achieve something equivalent to this. I have started to try an Include extension, which allows me to include the contents of another test case, but I am running into problems with it. How have you achieved this? What advice can you give on how to help me achieve this?

like image 756
Andrew Avatar asked Jan 07 '10 20:01


1 Answers

This might not be an explicit answer, but I played with Selenium IDE for 3 months. Then I found out that WebDriver is so much more powerful. Your situation is a piece of cake with Selenium WebDriver. The more complex the logic, the better off you are using source code instead of a GUI interface to define your workflows. The input and output parameters can get very confusing if not documented properly. And they can break very easily if they upgrade Selenium IDE. The Selenium IDE is very good at showing a novice programmer how to automate a workflow with a recorder, but if you are a programmer, it'll hold you back.

However, if you really want to accomplish your situation, you can develop your own custom JavaScript function that calls other functions (or other test cases).

like image 153
MacGyver Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
