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How to create funnel with event's parameter value in Firebase?

I have a game with a lot of levels (Something like 2000). I want to create a funnel to see players' progression through these levels and balance out too-hard ones.

I cannot send an unique event for every level (e.g. "Level 0040 Completed") because Firebase has a limit of 500 unique events. So I need to send an event like "Level Completed" and send the level number as parameter. But I don't know how can I create a funnel with that parameter. Is there any way to create funnel with a parameter of an event?

like image 369
Md Narimani Avatar asked Jun 25 '18 15:06

Md Narimani

People also ask

How do you make a funnel in firebase?

Creating a New Funnel Enter a name and description for the Funnel. Select the first two events you want to use as steps in the funnel. Note if you would like to add more steps, select the 'ADD ANOTHER EVENT' button. When all steps are complete, select 'CREATE'.

How do I add parameters to Firebase events?

Click Events. In the row for the event you want to modify, click More > Edit parameter reporting. In the Enter parameter name field, enter the name of the parameter you'd like to register. If a match is found, select it in the list and click ADD.

How many conversion events can you have in firebase?

Enable events as conversions You can enable up to 30 events per project as conversions, in addition to the five that Analytics defines by default.

What are parameters in firebase?

Params supply information that contextualize Events. You can associate up to 25 unique Params with each Event type. Some Params are suggested below for certain common Events, but you are not limited to these. You may supply extra Params for suggested Events or custom Params for Custom events.

1 Answers

Do you have to make it a funnel? You could log level_started/completed/failed, check how many attempts the users make before giving up, how much time they spend in the level etc, and figure it out that way.

Realistically you will have to connect your Firebase instance to BigQuery to do this though.

like image 173
Vesper Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
