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How to create enum with raw type of CGPoint?



Inspired from this question. Swift support to create enum with any raw type, so it will be nice to able to create enum with raw type of CGPoint.

But this code won't compile

enum MyEnum : CGPoint {     case Zero } 

with following error

<REPL>:50:15: error: raw type 'CGPoint' is not convertible from any literal enum MyEnum : CGPoint {               ^ <REPL>:51:10: error: enum cases require explicit raw values when the raw type is not integer literal convertible     case Zero      ^ 

So how to declare enum with raw type of CGPoint?

like image 333
Bryan Chen Avatar asked Jun 11 '14 10:06

Bryan Chen

1 Answers

There are two errors in given code.

First one is

error: raw type 'CGPoint' is not convertible from any literal     enum MyEnum : CGPoint { 

So we need to make CGPoint convertible from literal

One way to solve it is to extend CGPoint to make it convertible from String literal by conform StringLiteralConvertible

extension CGPoint : StringLiteralConvertible {     static func convertFromStringLiteral(value: String) -> CGPoint {         return NSPointFromString(value) // CGPointFromString on iOS     }      static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: String) -> CGPoint {         return NSPointFromString(value) // CGPointFromString on iOS     } } 

we can create CGPoint from string literal now!

var p : CGPoint = "2,3" println(p) // print (2.0,3.0) 

The second error is

error: enum cases require explicit raw values when the raw type is not integer literal convertible         case Zero          ^ 

which is easy to fix now, just assign some string literal to it

enum MyEnum : CGPoint {     case Zero = "0, 0"     case One = "1, 1"     case MagicPoint = "0, 42" }  println(MyEnum.Zero.toRaw()) // (0.0,0.0) println(MyEnum.One.toRaw()) // (1.0,1.0) println(MyEnum.MagicPoint.toRaw()) // (0.0,42.0) 

and now you have enum with CGPoint raw type

to use it

if let p = MyEnum.fromRaw(CGPoint(x:0, y:42)) {     switch (p) {     case .Zero:         println("p is (0, 0)")         break     case .One:         println("p is (1, 1)")         break     case .MagicPoint:         println("p is magic point")         break     } }  // print "p is magic point" 

It will be nicer to create CGPoint from tuple, however, looks like it is not possible.

From the grammar

literal → integer-literal­  floating-point-literal­  string-literal­ 

there are only three types of literal, so string-literal is the only option here (unless you want 1.2 to be (1, 2))

like image 157
Bryan Chen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Bryan Chen