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How to create embossed or shadow effects using Core Graphics (for finger paint)

I have issue to implement "Emboss/Shadow effects" in my drawing. Finger paint functionality is currently working fine with my custom UIView and below is my drawRect method code:

Edit code with all methods :

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
    CGPoint mid1 = midPoint(previousPoint1, previousPoint2); 
    CGPoint mid2 = midPoint(currentPoint, previousPoint1);

    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); 
    [self.layer renderInContext:context];

    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, mid1.x, mid1.y);
    CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint(context, previousPoint1.x, previousPoint1.y, mid2.x, mid2.y); 
    CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
    CGContextSetLineWidth(context, self.lineWidth);
    CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, self.lineColor.CGColor);

    // for shadow  effects
    CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeMake(0, 2),3, self.lineColor.CGColor);
    [super drawRect:rect];

CGPoint midPoint(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2)
    return CGPointMake((p1.x + p2.x) * 0.5, (p1.y + p2.y) * 0.5);

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event

    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];

    previousPoint1 = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    previousPoint2 = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    currentPoint = [touch locationInView:self];

    [self touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event];

-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event

    UITouch *touch  = [touches anyObject];

    previousPoint2  = previousPoint1;
    previousPoint1  = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    currentPoint    = [touch locationInView:self];

    // calculate mid point
    CGPoint mid1    = midPoint(previousPoint1, previousPoint2); 
    CGPoint mid2    = midPoint(currentPoint, previousPoint1);

    CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
    CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, mid1.x, mid1.y);
    CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, NULL, previousPoint1.x, previousPoint1.y, mid2.x, mid2.y);
    CGRect bounds = CGPathGetBoundingBox(path);

    CGRect drawBox = bounds;

    //Pad our values so the bounding box respects our line width
    drawBox.origin.x        -= self.lineWidth * 2;
    drawBox.origin.y        -= self.lineWidth * 2;
    drawBox.size.width      += self.lineWidth * 4;
    drawBox.size.height     += self.lineWidth * 4;

    [self.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
    curImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    [curImage retain];

   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:drawBox];


when i have implemented this i am getting paint effects with dot dot dot ...

See below image (which does not have any shadow or embossed effects). If you have any idea of how to add these effects, please give me some suggestion. How can i resolve this?

enter image description here

like image 804
Hitarth Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 10:10


1 Answers

It appears that you're creating hundreds, maybe even thousands of separate paths, one on each drawRect. You do flatten these out using [self.layer renderInContext] but I don't think that's a good way to go about it. Instead, I think what you want to do is create one UIBezierPath to track the finger, append paths to that and draw the UIBezierPath to the screen. If you create two layers (or views) you can set the top one (transparent) to "draw" on. When the user lifts their finger, you then render the entire UIBezierPath to the second layer (along with previously drawn data) and create a new UIBezierPath to draw the next finger-tracking. This way you're only updating one layer (the top one) when you're tracking someone's finger. This will help prevent the device from slowing down drawing too many paths.

Although, I will say, your current method does produce a cool looking "3D" effect.

like image 147
Aaron Hayman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Aaron Hayman