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How to create dll's in matlab and use these dll's in .Net applications





I am working on image processing. I need to develop OCR tool using matlab. Is there any technique to develop OCR tool, create the dll of it and use it in .Net applications. If yes, how can I do this?

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Praveen Kumar Avatar asked Jan 27 '12 12:01

Praveen Kumar

2 Answers

You could try the MathWorks website. Looks like they have examples there of creating mex files and using them in a .NET application. See Making and debugging mex with Visual Studio 2010 and Matlab 2009b

Here is an example that shows 3 different ways to integrate matlab with C#

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SwDevMan81 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10


you need to use matlab Builder NE for stuff like that. you can compile any matlab function load the Dll in .net as a class with a function. for that you need to use Matlab Compiler Runtime - MCR of the same version as the matlab you used with Builder NE.

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Gilad Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
