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How to create controls at run time Access VB?




How can you create controls at run time with VB code in Microsoft Access? after some digging I found that this is possible with the CreateControl function. The problem is every random forum I find online has some code similar to this:

Private Sub Button_Click()
    Call AddLabel
End Sub

Function AddLabel()
    Set ctl = CreateControl("MyForm", acLabel, acDetail, "", "", 0, 0, 100, 100)
    With ctl
       .name = "myTextBox"
       .Caption = "Hello World!"
       .Height = 50
       .Width = 100
       .FontSize = 11
       .Visible = True
    End With
End Function

but this code appears to not create a visible label.

In my case I'm just trying to learn how to get this to work. So I created a blank form with a button that when clicked will create a label that says "Hello world!". What I'm expecting to happen is a textbox will display in the top left of the form when the button is clicked. I'm curious if anyone could help show me a simple example of some code that actually works.

Before anyone says I can create a label and hide it then change its visibilty property, I know. But I'd like to know how to create controls dynamically and getting this simple example to actually work will greatly help my understanding.

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user3657834 Avatar asked Jul 08 '15 18:07


People also ask

How do I add controls in Access?

To create a control that is bound to a field (meaning that the control will display and let you edit data from a table), open the Field List (Alt+F8) and drag the field from the list to the form, view, or report. Access adds a control that is appropriate for the type of data stored in the field.

How will you create control on the form?

Use the CreateControl and CreateReportControl methods in a custom wizard to create controls on a form or report. Both methods return a Control object. Use the CreateControl and CreateReportControl methods only in form Design view or report Design view, respectively.

1 Answers

The documentation you need is here (these are specifically for Access VBA):

  • Application.CreateControl Method (Office 2007)
  • Application.CreateControl Method (Office 2003)

According to the documentatin, there are some big limitations to this feature:

  • Limited to 754 controls over the lifetime of the form (this is not reset by deleting them, so you are likely to run into this limit quickly)
  • Must be done in Design view (so it can't be done in mde/accde)
  • It is questionable how it will perform in a multi-user environment.

Because of these limitations, it is inadvisable, unless you are using to design forms initially.

Duplicate Question: How do you dynamically create controls on a MS Access form?

In response to the OP's suggestion, here is my test code which was able to add 40 controls and repeat the process 50 times without exceeding the 754 limit (I reused 40 names in my test).

Caveat 1 This is inadvisable because it can only be done in design view which will not work in an mde/accde.

Caveat 2: It is questionable how it will perform in a multi-user environment.

This code is from a form with two buttons. It opens a second form named "Form2"

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const FORM_NAME As String = "Form2"
Private m_nCounter As Long

Private Sub cmdCreate_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRepeat_Click()

    Dim n As Long

    m_nCounter = 0

    For n = 0 To 50
        DoCmd.Close acForm, FORM_NAME, acSaveNo
    Next 'n

    MsgBox m_nCounter

End Sub

Private Sub runDynamicForm()

    Const DYNAMIC_TAG As String = "dynamic"

    Dim n As Long
    Dim frm As Form
    Dim ctl As Access.Control

    On Error GoTo EH

    Application.Echo False

    DoCmd.OpenForm FORM_NAME, acDesign
    Set frm = Application.Forms(FORM_NAME)

    For n = frm.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        Set ctl = frm.Controls(n)
        If ctl.Tag = DYNAMIC_TAG Then
            Application.DeleteControl FORM_NAME, ctl.Name
        End If
    Next 'n

    For n = 1 To 20

        With Application.CreateControl(FORM_NAME, acLabel, acDetail, , , 400, n * 300, 1500, 300)

            .Name = "lbl" & n
            .Caption = "Question " & n
            .Visible = True
            .Tag = DYNAMIC_TAG

        End With

        With Application.CreateControl(FORM_NAME, acTextBox, acDetail, , , 2000, n * 300, 3000, 300)

            .Name = "txt" & n
            .Visible = True
            .TabIndex = n - 1
            .Tag = DYNAMIC_TAG

        End With

        m_nCounter = m_nCounter + 2

    Next 'n

    DoCmd.Close acForm, FORM_NAME, acSaveYes

    DoCmd.OpenForm FORM_NAME, acNormal


    With Err
        MsgBox "Error:" & vbTab & .Number & vbCrLf _
            & "Source" & vbTab & .Source & vbCrLf _
            & .Description
    End With


    Application.Echo True

End Sub
like image 119
Don Jewett Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 22:11

Don Jewett