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how to create browser for android? [closed]

dear, i am a student of bca. i have to do one project in my last semester. so i decided to create web browser which run on android o.s. but i am totally for this application. so, can any one help me for that. i already installed all required tools like jdk, android sdk 3.0, eclipse. but now i have no idea from where i have to start the developing browser. so please help me... i have only 2 months for doing this project. so is this possible in 2 months or not?

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Tej Avatar asked Feb 26 '11 15:02


3 Answers

For creating complete web browser in Android you use WebView.

Simple snap of code:

WebView wv = (WebView)findViewById(R.id.webview1);    
wv = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView1);

for complete code reference visit: http://androidshivendra.blogspot.in/2013/12/android-browser.html

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user3337268 Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 00:11


It depends on what you mean by develop a browser...

Developing a browser + rendering engine from scratch is a hell lot of work, but you could easily create a browser based on Androids WebView using a WebViewClient and create a new user experience by changing the way the user interacts with the browser.

The Webview has all kinds of hooks to intercept user interaction with the browser, so you can easily extend it. For example you could let the user flip through pages (like google fastflip), experiment with 3D by mapping the rendered webpage into OpenGL space (like sphere browser) etc.

As a starting point have a look at Aleksander Kmetec's blog and his Mosembro Project, that extends the Android browser by adding microformat support.

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codecraft Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 01:11


Sounds like a really big project and therefore you can't just start from scratch and write it down. You have to make a plan on how you want to implement all parts, write down class diagrams etc. If you study informatics you should have heard of these things in previous semesters.

First you should ask yourself if that project is feasible, as you can see from the comments most people agree that you should not underestimate this task!

I really suggest you to understand the extent of this task, here is the source code of Androids browser to give you an impression of it's complexity.

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Maaalte Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 23:11
