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How to create an xAPI (Tin Can) LRS (Learning Record Store) in C# [closed]

I'm looking for some sample code to get me started on a C# based LRS. I've read the xAPI spec from ADL's website and I've looked through all the sample code in their github repo but there just isn't anything good to start from except an example written in python/postgresql which is WAY out there for me. I'm trying to stick with C#/SQL for my implementation. Does anyone know where I can find some sample code to get started? Perhaps you'd like to collaborate with me to develop it?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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Mark Avatar asked Jun 07 '13 16:06


1 Answers

I found a few starting points (node.js, and php) but nothing complete in C# to work from. Here's what I've found so far...

Experience API Specification

Rustici Software's Repo (lots of clients but no LRS's)

PHPCan, tinCaptivate and More

Node.js and MongoDb

If you find anything new, please tack on to this!

like image 141
Mark Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10
