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How to create an ASP.NET website in Visual Studio 2019?


I am creating an application using VS 2019 and Web API (.NET Framework). I need to create a blank website, but getting only web application project template. Is there any tools do i need to be installed? Please check the below image to understand my need.

VS 2017

enter image description here

VS 2019

enter image description here

like image 275
sebu Avatar asked Oct 03 '19 17:10


People also ask

Can I create a website using Visual Studio 2019?

To create "ASP.NET Web Site" projects in Visual Studio 2019 you need to install the "Additional project templates (previous versions)" ASP.NET Component as shown below.

How do I create a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio 2020?

If the Visual Studio development environment is already open, you can create a new project by choosing File > New > Project on the menu bar. You can also select the New Project button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+Shift+N.

1 Answers

To create "ASP.NET Web Site" projects in Visual Studio 2019 you need to install the "Additional project templates (previous versions)" ASP.NET Component as shown below.

I have to confess I'd missed this option too as it's only visible if you click on the ASP.NET workload and is not listed on the "Individual components" tab!

enter image description here

After installing the component, the templates are now present:

enter image description here

like image 66
Stephen Kennedy Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10

Stephen Kennedy