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How to create an alias to functools.lru_cache for memoization?

To add memoization to functions in Python, the functools.lru_cache() decorator can be used:

import functools

def my_func():

However, I would like to define the following alias to the above use of functools.lru_cache() to make the code more readable:

def my_func():

My question is: how to define such an alias? The following piece of code doesn't work:

memoize = functools.partial(functools.lru_cache, maxsize=None)
like image 220
s3rvac Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 07:03


1 Answers

You don't need the functools.partial because it is already setup to take two calls. Just call it once:

memoize = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)

then use the alias as a decorator:

def my_func():
like image 51
Andrew Johnson Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 02:04

Andrew Johnson