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How to create a variable that can be set only once but isn't final in Java

I want a class that I can create instances of with one variable unset (the id), then initialise this variable later, and have it immutable after initialisation. Effectively, I'd like a final variable that I can initialise outside of the constructor.

Currently, I'm improvising this with a setter that throws an Exception as follows:

public class Example {      private long id = 0;      // Constructors and other variables and methods deleted for clarity      public long getId() {         return id;     }      public void setId(long id) throws Exception {         if ( this.id == 0 ) {             this.id = id;         } else {             throw new Exception("Can't change id once set");         }     } } 

Is this a good way of going about what I'm trying to do? I feel like I should be able to set something as immutable after it's initialised, or that there is a pattern I can use to make this more elegant.

like image 948
Richard Russell Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 19:01

Richard Russell

People also ask

How do you create a variable that can be set only once but isn't final in Java?

Make the variable private and set value to it using the setter method such that if you try to invoke it for the second time it should set the previous value or throw an exception.

What type of variable can be assign to only once?

Constants. In some languages, it is possible to define special variables which can be assigned a value only once – once their values have been set, they cannot be changed. We call these kinds of variables constants.

What type of variable can be assigned to only once in Java?

In Java, a final variable can a be assigned only once. It can be assigned during declaration or at a later stage. A final variable if not assigned any value is treated as a blank final variable.

2 Answers

Let me suggest you a little bit more elegant decision. First variant (without throwing an exception):

public class Example {      private Long id;      // Constructors and other variables and methods deleted for clarity      public long getId() {         return id;     }      public void setId(long id) {         this.id = this.id == null ? id : this.id;     }  } 

Second variant (with throwing an exception):

     public void setId(long id)  {          this.id = this.id == null ? id : throw_();      }       public int throw_() {          throw new RuntimeException("id is already set");      } 
like image 101
Andremoniy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


The "set only once" requirement feels a bit arbitrary. I'm fairly certain what you're looking for is a class that transitions permanently from uninitialized to initialized state. After all, it may be convenient to set an object's id more than once (via code reuse or whatever), as long as the id is not allowed to change after the object is "built".

One fairly reasonable pattern is to keep track of this "built" state in a separate field:

public final class Example {      private long id;     private boolean isBuilt;      public long getId() {         return id;     }      public void setId(long id) {         if (isBuilt) throw new IllegalArgumentException("already built");         this.id = id;     }      public void build() {         isBuilt = true;     } } 


Example e = new Example();  // do lots of stuff  e.setId(12345L); e.build();  // at this point, e is immutable 

With this pattern, you construct the object, set its values (as many times as is convenient), and then call build() to "immutify" it.

There are several advantages to this pattern over your initial approach:

  1. There are no magic values used to represent uninitialized fields. For example, 0 is just as valid an id as any other long value.
  2. Setters have a consistent behavior. Before build() is called, they work. After build() is called, they throw, regardless of what values you pass. (Note the use of unchecked exceptions for convenience).
  3. The class is marked final, otherwise a developer could extend your class and override the setters.

But this approach has a fairly big drawback: developers using this class can't know, at compile time, if a particular object has been initialized or not. Sure, you could add an isBuilt() method so developers can check, at runtime, if the object is initialized, but it would be so much more convenient to know this information at compile time. For that, you could use the builder pattern:

public final class Example {      private final long id;      public Example(long id) {         this.id = id;     }      public long getId() {         return id;     }      public static class Builder {          private long id;          public long getId() {             return id;         }          public void setId(long id) {             this.id = id;         }          public Example build() {             return new Example(id);         }     } } 


Example.Builder builder = new Example.Builder(); builder.setId(12345L); Example e = builder.build(); 

This is much better for several reasons:

  1. We're using final fields, so both the compiler and developers know these values cannot be changed.
  2. The distinction between initialized and uninitialized forms of the object is described via Java's type system. There is simply no setter to call on the object once it has been built.
  3. Instances of the built class are guaranteed thread safe.

Yes, it's a bit more complicated to maintain, but IMHO the benefits outweigh the cost.

like image 39
cambecc Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
