Sorry about the imprecise question title. Could not quite pinpoint the problem in question.
I'm trying to use "translator pattern" mentioned in this great blog post by Alex Lew here: The Translator Pattern: a model for Child-to-Parent Communication in Elm.
But being a total Elm newbie I don't quite get it in the following situation:
I have a module like this (child component in the pattern):
module Pages.SignUp.Update exposing (update, Msg(..))
import Http
import HttpBuilder exposing (withHeader, withJsonBody, stringReader, jsonReader, send)
import Task exposing (Task)
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, bool, (:=))
import Json.Encode exposing (encode, object, string)
import String
import Update.Extra exposing (andThen)
import Debug
type alias Model =
{ displayName : String
, displayNameErrors : List (Maybe String)
, email : String
, emailErrors : List (Maybe String)
, password : String
, passwordConfirmation : String
, passwordErrors : List (Maybe String)
, modelValid : Bool
, emailValidationPending : Bool
, registrationPending : Bool }
emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =
{ displayName = ""
, displayNameErrors = []
, email = ""
, emailErrors = []
, password = ""
, passwordConfirmation = ""
, passwordErrors = []
, modelValid = False
, emailValidationPending = False
, registrationPending = False }
type InternalMsg
= SetEmail String
| SetDisplayName String
| SetPassword String
| SetPasswordConfirm String
| Register
| RegisterSucceed (HttpBuilder.Response Bool)
| RegisterFail (HttpBuilder.Error String)
| ValidateModel
| Noop
type OutMsg
= UserRegistered
type Msg
= ForSelf InternalMsg
| ForParent OutMsg
type alias TranslationDictionary msg =
{ onInternalMessage: InternalMsg -> msg
, onUserRegistered: msg
type alias Translator msg =
Msg -> msg
translator : TranslationDictionary msg -> Translator msg
translator { onInternalMessage, onUserRegistered } msg =
case msg of
ForSelf internal ->
onInternalMessage internal
ForParent UserRegistered ->
never : Never -> a
never n =
never n
generateParentMessage : OutMsg -> Cmd Msg
generateParentMessage outMsg =
Task.perform never ForParent (Task.succeed outMsg )
init : ( Model, List Notification )
init =
( emptyModel, [] )
update : InternalMsg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case Debug.log "Signup action" msg of
SetEmail emailStr ->
let model' =
{model | email = emailStr }
update ValidateModel model'
SetDisplayName nameStr ->
let model' =
{ model | displayName = nameStr }
update ValidateModel model'
SetPassword passwordStr ->
let model' =
{ model | password = passwordStr }
update ValidateModel model'
SetPasswordConfirm passwordConfirmStr ->
let model' =
{ model | passwordConfirmation = passwordConfirmStr }
update ValidateModel model'
ValidateModel ->
let validatedModel =
validateModel model
test = Debug.log "validated model" validatedModel
( validatedModel, Cmd.none )
Register ->
( { model | registrationPending = True }, registerUser model)
RegisterSucceed _ ->
( { model | registrationPending = False }, (generateParentMessage UserRegistered) )
RegisterFail error ->
case error of
HttpBuilder.BadResponse response ->
case Debug.log "Register response status" response.status of
422 ->
( { model | registrationPending = False }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( { model | registrationPending = False }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( { model | registrationPending = False }, Cmd.none)
Noop ->
(model, Cmd.none)
registerUser : Model -> Cmd Msg
registerUser model =
let url =
user =
object [
("display_name", (string model.displayName)),
("email", (string,
("password", (string model.password)),
("passwordConfirmation", (string model.passwordConfirmation))
postRequest = url
|> withHeader "Content-type" "application/json"
|> withJsonBody user
|> send (jsonReader decodeRegisterResponse) stringReader
Task.perform ForSelf RegisterFail ForSelf RegisterSucceed postRequest
decodeRegisterResponse : Decoder Bool
decodeRegisterResponse =
"ok" := bool
validateRequired : String -> String -> Maybe String
validateRequired fieldContent fieldName =
case String.isEmpty fieldContent of
True -> Just <| String.join " " [ fieldName, "required" ]
False -> Nothing
validateEmail : String -> List (Maybe String)
validateEmail email =
let requiredResult =
validateRequired email "Email"
validatePassword : String -> String -> List (Maybe String)
validatePassword password passwordConf =
let requiredResult =
validateRequired password "Password"
confirmResult =
case password == passwordConf of
True -> Nothing
False -> Just "Password confirmation does not match"
[ requiredResult, confirmResult ]
validateModel : Model -> Model
validateModel model =
let emailResult =
displayNameResult =
validateRequired model.displayName "Displayname" :: []
passwordResult =
validatePassword model.password model.passwordConfirmation
errors =
List.concat [emailResult, displayNameResult, passwordResult ] |> List.filterMap identity
modelValid = List.isEmpty errors
{ model |
emailErrors = emailResult,
displayNameErrors = displayNameResult,
passwordErrors = passwordResult,
modelValid = modelValid
The problem is the registerUser function which obviously does not work as it is now. I can't get it to return Cmd Msg. I can make like so that it return Cmd InternalMsg but then of course I run into problems in update functions Register message. There I would need to convert Cmd InternalMsg to Cmd Msg.
I've tried to solve this in both places but always come up short. There is most likely a simple solution to this but alas no skills to do that as it seems.
Any help would be much appreciated.
That is an ugly part of Translator pattern, you should
your Command to the Msg
Message, so instead of:
Task.perform ForSelf RegisterFail ForSelf RegisterSucceed postRequest
You should have something like: ForSelf (Task.perform RegisterFail RegisterSucceed postRequest)
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