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How to create a table corresponding to enum in EF Core Code First?


How would one turn the enums used in an EF Core database context into lookup tables and add the relevant foreign keys?

  • Same as EF5 Code First Enums and Lookup Tables but for EF Core instead of EF 6
  • Related to How can I make EF Core database first use Enums?
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Tim Abell Avatar asked May 16 '18 15:05

Tim Abell

People also ask

How do I turn an enum into a list?

The idea is to use the Enum. GetValues() method to get an array of the enum constants' values. To get an IEnumerable<T> of all the values in the enum, call Cast<T>() on the array. To get a list, call ToList() after casting.

Can we assign string to enum?

We can use Enum. GetName static method to convert an enum value to a string. The following code uses Enum. GetName static method that takes two arguments, the enum type and the enum value.

1 Answers

You can use an enum in your code and have a lookup table in your db by using a combination of these two EF Core features:

  • Value Conversions - to convert the enum to int when reading/writing to db
  • Data Seeding - to add the enum values in the db, in a migration

Here below a data model example:

public class Wine {     public int WineId { get; set; }     public string Name { get; set; }      public WineVariantId WineVariantId { get; set; }     public WineVariant WineVariant { get; set; } }  public enum WineVariantId : int {     Red = 0,     White = 1,     Rose = 2 }  public class WineVariant {     public WineVariantId WineVariantId { get; set; }     public string Name { get; set; }      public List<Wine> Wines { get; set; } } 

Here the DbContext where you configure value conversions and data seeding:

public class WineContext : DbContext {     public DbSet<Wine> Wines { get; set; }     public DbSet<WineVariant> WineVariants { get; set; }      protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)     {         optionsBuilder.UseSqlite("Data Source=wines.db");     }      protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)     {         modelBuilder             .Entity<Wine>()             .Property(e => e.WineVariantId)             .HasConversion<int>();          modelBuilder             .Entity<WineVariant>()             .Property(e => e.WineVariantId)             .HasConversion<int>();          modelBuilder             .Entity<WineVariant>().HasData(                 Enum.GetValues(typeof(WineVariantId))                     .Cast<WineVariantId>()                     .Select(e => new WineVariant()                     {                         WineVariantId = e,                         Name = e.ToString()                     })             );     } } 

Then you can use the enum values in your code as follow:

db.Wines.Add(new Wine {     Name = "Gutturnio",     WineVariantId = WineVariantId.Red, });  db.Wines.Add(new Wine {     Name = "Ortrugo",     WineVariantId = WineVariantId.White, }); 

Here is what your db will contain:

WineVariants table

Wines table

I published the complete example as a gist: https://gist.github.com/paolofulgoni/825bef5cd6cd92c4f9bbf33f603af4ff

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Paolo Fulgoni Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Paolo Fulgoni