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How to create a symbolic link with SCons?




I'm using SCons for building a project and need to add a symbolic link to a file it is installing via env.Install. What command(s) will make a link that's the equivalent of running ln -s on the command line?

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jblocksom Avatar asked Aug 20 '10 15:08


People also ask

How do I manually create a symbolic link?

Creating symlinks in Windows is pretty easy with the mklink command. To start, press Win + X , then select the option “Command Prompt (Admin)” to open the Command Prompt with admin rights. Once the command prompt has been opened, use the below command format to create a symlink for a file.

How can we create a symbolic link to file?

By default, the ln command creates hard links. To create a symbolic link, use the -s ( --symbolic ) option. If both the FILE and LINK are given, ln will create a link from the file specified as the first argument ( FILE ) to the file specified as the second argument ( LINK ).

How do I create a rm link?

To remove a symbolic link, use either the rm or unlink command followed by the name of the symlink as an argument. When removing a symbolic link that points to a directory do not append a trailing slash to the symlink name.

2 Answers

SCons doesn't have a dedicated symbolic link command, but you can use os.symlink(src, dst) from Python's os module:

import os
env = Environment()
def SymLink(target, source, env):
    os.symlink(os.path.abspath(str(source[0])), os.path.abspath(str(target[0])))
env.Command("file.out", "file.in", SymLink)

This may not work correctly on Windows, I've only tried it on Linux.

like image 166
richq Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


There seems to be little advancement in the SCons core code for symbolic link support and I wasn't satisfied any one solution I found on the web. Here is a potential builder which incorporates aspects of both Nick's and richq's answers. Additionally, it will catch name changes (due to the emitter method) and is as platform-agnostic as I could get it.

I prefer this builder because it will make links relative to the directory in which they are installed. One could add an option to force the link to be absolute I suppose, but I have not needed or wanted that yet.

Currently, if the OS doesn't support symlinks, I just pass and do nothing, but one could use os.copytree() for example however the dependency becomes messy if the source is a directory so the emitter would need to do something fancy. I'm up for any suggestions here.

One can put the following code into the file site_scons/site_tools/symlink.py (with blank _init_.py files in the appropriate places). Then do this in the SConstruct file:


env = Environment()
env.SymLink('link_name.txt', 'real_file.txt')


import os
from os import path

from SCons.Node import FS
from SCons.Script import Action, Builder

def generate(env):

    Makes a symbolic link named "link_name" that points to the
    real file or directory "source". The link produced is always
    bldr = Builder(action = Action(symlink_builder,symlink_print),
        target_factory = FS.File,
        source_factory = FS.Entry,
        single_target = True,
        single_source = True,
        emitter = symlink_emitter)
    env.Append(BUILDERS = {'SymLink' : bldr})

def exists(env):
    we could test if the OS supports symlinks here, or we could
    use copytree as an alternative in the builder.
    return True

def symlink_print(target, source, env):
    lnk = path.basename(target[0].abspath)
    src = path.basename(source[0].abspath)
    return 'Link: '+lnk+' points to '+src

def symlink_emitter(target, source, env):
    This emitter removes the link if the source file name has changed
    since scons does not seem to catch this case.
    lnk = target[0].abspath
    src = source[0].abspath
    lnkdir,lnkname = path.split(lnk)
    srcrel = path.relpath(src,lnkdir)

    if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 3:
        ldir = path.relpath(lnkdir,env.Dir('#').abspath)
        if rellnkdir[:2] == '..':
            ldir = path.abspath(ldir)
        print '  symbolic link in directory: %s' % ldir
        print '      %s -> %s' % (lnkname,srcrel)

        if path.exists(lnk):
            if os.readlink(lnk) != srcrel:
    except AttributeError:
        # no symlink available, so we remove the whole tree? (or pass)
        print 'no os.symlink capability on this system?'

    return (target, source)

def symlink_builder(target, source, env):
    lnk = target[0].abspath
    src = source[0].abspath
    lnkdir,lnkname = path.split(lnk)
    srcrel = path.relpath(src,lnkdir)

    if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 4:
        print 'target:', target
        print 'source:', source
        print 'lnk:', lnk
        print 'src:', src
        print 'lnkdir,lnkname:', lnkdir, lnkname
        print 'srcrel:', srcrel

    if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 4:
        print 'in directory: %s' % path.relpath(lnkdir,env.Dir('#').abspath)
        print '    symlink: %s -> %s' % (lnkname,srcrel)

    except AttributeError:
        # no symlink available, so we make a (deep) copy? (or pass)
        print 'no os.symlink capability on this system?'

    return None
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Johann Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
