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How to create a stub that applies to all spec files in RSpec

I'm wanting to know if there is an easy way to include a stub in all of my spec files. I'm using the Geocoder gem and when I run my RSpec tests I don't want it attempting to download the location information.

I've found the following solution which works perfectly. However, I don't want to write the same three lines in every spec file.

before(:each) do
  User.any_instance.stub(:geocode) { [1,1] }

Is it possible to put something in my spec_helper.rb file?

like image 248
Baylor Rae' Avatar asked Aug 08 '12 15:08

Baylor Rae'

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1 Answers

You can put it in the spec_helper instead, like this:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before(:each) do
    User.any_instance.stub(:geocode) { [1,1] }
like image 77
Oscar Del Ben Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Oscar Del Ben