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How to create a Spring session scoped bean based on user properties

I've developed a Spring Web-MVC application. I have some offices in my project. Each user belongs to an office. user.getOfficeType() returns an integer representing the user's office type. If the office type is 1, the user belongs to Office1 and etc. However I want to inject the authenticated user's office into my service classes:

class MyService{
   Office currentOffice;

I read the Spring docs. I need a session scoped bean to inject it into my service classes.


<mvc:annotation-driven />
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="hibernateTransactionManager"/>
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.package.controller" />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.package.service" />
<bean id="office" class="com.package.beans.Office" scope="session">

enter image description here

I have three implementations of the Office interface. Once a user requests a resource, I want to be aware of his Office. So I need to inject his session-scoped Office into my service classes. But I don't know how to instantiate it according to the user's office. please help!

like image 980
Dariush Jafari Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 12:10

Dariush Jafari

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1 Answers

I found a solution! I declared an OfficeContext that wraps the Office and also implements it.

@Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class OfficeContext implements InitializingBean, Office {

   private Office office;

   private UserDao userDao;

   private NoneOffice noneOffice;
   private AllOffice allOffice;
   private TariffOffice tariffOffice;
   private ArzeshOffice arzeshOffice;

    public Office getOffice() {
       return this.office;

   public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
      Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
       if (auth.isAuthenticated()) {
           String name = auth.getName(); //get logged in username
           JUser user = userDao.findByUsername(name);
           if (user != null) {
               this.office = noneOffice;
           } else {
               OfficeType type = user.getOfficeType();
               switch (type) {
                   case ALL:
                       this.office = allOffice;
                   case TARIFF:
                       this.office = tariffOffice;
                   case ARZESH:
                       this.office = arzeshOffice;
                       this.office = noneOffice;
       } else {
           this.office = noneOffice;


   public OfficeType getType() {
       return office.getType();

   public String getDisplayName() {
       return office.getDisplayName();


and in my service classes I injected the OfficeContext.

public class UserService {

   UserDao userDao;

   OfficeContext office;

   public void persist(JUser user) {

   public void save(JUser user) {

like image 108
Dariush Jafari Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09

Dariush Jafari