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How to create a Sequelize model instance, without saving it in the database?

Let's assume we have an Sequelize model called Person—how can we create an instance of Person, without saving it into the database?

This will create the record in the database:

Person.create({ name: "Alice" }).then(..., ...);

How to create a model instance without creating a record for it into the database?

The use-case is for creating multiple documents:

myFamily.addPersons([person1, person2, ...]);

When I try to pass raw objects into that array, an error appears: val.replace is not a function and as suggested here, the reason could be the fact I pass raw objects.

While I'm interested to know how to solve the problem, I'd want to know how to create Sequelize model instances, without saving them in the database.

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Ionică Bizău Avatar asked Mar 27 '17 13:03

Ionică Bizău

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1 Answers

If you build one, it won't be saved into the db:

var person = Person.build({ name: "Alice" });

Or you can just instantiate the Person class:

const person = new Person({ name: "Alice" })
like image 151
Adam Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
