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How to create a random string from a regular expression

I want to generate a random string form a regular expression.


random_string(/^[0-9]{4}$/) //==> 7895
random_string(/^[0-9]{4}$/) //==> 0804
random_string(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/) //==> 9ZE5
random_string(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/) //==> 84D6
like image 702
tahayk Avatar asked Apr 21 '17 16:04


2 Answers

You can take a look to randexp.js, it does exactly what you want

console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/).gen());
<script src="https://github.com/fent/randexp.js/releases/download/v0.4.3/randexp.min.js"></script>

Of course there are some limitations:

Repetitional tokens such as *, +, and {3,} have an infinite max range. In this case, randexp looks at its min and adds 100 to it to get a useable max value. If you want to use another int other than 100 you can change the max property in RandExp.prototype or the RandExp instance.

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rpadovani Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11


rand here will accepts a length which will be the length of the string, and a number of 2-items arrays, each determine a range boundaries. Then return a string which only consists of the characters in the ranges provided.

function rand(length, ...ranges) {
  var str = "";                                                       // the string (initialized to "")
  while(length--) {                                                   // repeat this length of times
    var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranges.length);              // get a random range from the ranges object
    var min = ranges[ind][0].charCodeAt(0),                           // get the minimum char code allowed for this range
        max = ranges[ind][1].charCodeAt(0);                           // get the maximum char code allowed for this range
    var c = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;        // get a random char code between min and max
    str += String.fromCharCode(c);                                    // convert it back into a character and append it to the string str
  return str;                                                         // return str

console.log(rand(4, ["A", "Z"], ["0", "9"]));
console.log(rand(20, ["a", "f"], ["A", "Z"], ["0", "9"]));
console.log("Random binary number: ", rand(8, ["0", "1"]));
console.log("Random HEX color: ", "#" + rand(6, ["A", "F"], ["0", "9"]));
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ibrahim mahrir Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11

ibrahim mahrir