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How to create a privately shared component library which can be used across multiple react projects




Following Scenario

  • Project 1 needs to use CustomButton.jsx
  • Project 2 needs to use CustomButton.jsx

Current Solution

Copy paste CustomButton.jsx into both Project 1 & 2.

Desired Solution

  1. Create Project 3 which includes CustomButton.jsx
  2. Store Project 3 in a shared environment (like a public company directory e.g. D://dev/react/my-component-library)
  3. Install Project 3 via npm for Project 1 & 2 and add dependency to package.json to keep consistency accross git clones.
  4. Import CustomButton.jsx with import statement in Project 1 & 2: import { CustomButton } from "my-component-library"


  1. What kind of Project is Project 3? Is it build with create-react-app or which other tool can be used?
  2. How can I create a local/private npm package out of Project 3?
  3. How can I utilize a shared, local environment for that private package.
  4. How can I use the package in Project 1 & 2?

The components are fairly simple and don't contain complex logic.


This shouldn't cost me anything (private npm does) or use 3rd party hosting, since I already have a privately shared environment/server/directory and I can host/store the packages there.

like image 675
oemera Avatar asked Jan 09 '20 16:01


1 Answers

I solved this problem in vue. But the steps should be pretty similar in react.

1. Create a project with your components (create-react-app should be fine. You will export your components only anyway, that's why the project setup is irrelevant. It is just useful for development and to test your components.)

2. Use rollup.js to bundle your react components (there are many tutorials online, just google "rollup react component library")

3. Add a new script to your package.json to bundle your app using rollup -c. Then use npm pack to create the package.

"build:lib": "rollup -c && npm pack"

This will create a zipped package with only the files you need with following pattern:

[package-name]-[package-version].tgz e.g. my-react-components-0.1.0.tgz

You can influence the resulting package of npm pack by modifying attributes in your package.json, e.g. "version", "name", "main", "files" will influence the output.

4. Now you can install your packages locally from another project:

npm i ../path/to/library/my-react-components-0.1.0.tgz

This will add a new dependency to your package.json:

"my-react-components": "file: ../path/to/library/my-react-components-0.1.0.tgz"

5. Based on your rollup setup you can then use your library like any other library:

import { MyComponent } from "my-react-components";

You might also have to import the styles:

import "my-react-components/index.css"

If you need a more detailed explanation on a step, just comment below and I will add further information.

like image 186
oemera Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
