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How to create a printable Twitter-Bootstrap page

Bootstrap 3.2 update: (current release)

Current stable Bootstrap version is 3.2.0.
With version 3.2 visible-print deprecated, so you should use like this:

Class                        Browser    Print
.visible-print-block         Hidden        Visible (as block)
.visible-print-inline        Hidden        Visible (as inline)
.visible-print-inline-block  Hidden        Visible (as inline-block)
.hidden-print                Visible       Hidden

Bootstrap 3 update:

Print classes are now in documents: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#responsive-utilities-print

Similar to the regular responsive classes,
       use these for toggling content for print.

Class            Browser    Print
.visible-print   Hidden     Visible
.hidden-print    Visible    Hidden

Bootstrap 2.3.1 version:

After adding bootstrap.css file into your HTML,
Find the parts that you don't want to print and add hidden-print class into tags. Because css file includes this:

@media print {
  .visible-print  { display: inherit !important; }
  .hidden-print   { display: none !important; }

Be sure to have a stylesheet assigned for printing.
It could be a separate stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css">

or one you share for all devices:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css"> # Note there's no media attribute

Then, you can write your styles for printers in the separate stylesheets or in the shared one using media queries:

@media print {
    /* Your styles here */

Replace every col-md- with col-xs-

eg: replace every col-md-6 to col-xs-6.

This is the thing that worked for me to get me rid of this problem you can see what you have to replace.

There's a section of @media print code in the css file (Bootstrap 3.3.1 [UPDATE:] to 3.3.5), this strips virtually all the styling, so you get fairly bland print-outs even when it is working.

For now I've had to resort to stripping out the @media print section from bootstrap.css - which I'm really not happy about but my users want direct screen-grabs so this'll have to do for now. If anyone knows how to suppress it without changes to the bootstrap files I'd be very interested.

Here's the 'offending' code block, starts at line #192:

@media print {
  *:before,enter code here
  *:after {
    color: #000 !important;
    text-shadow: none !important;
    background: transparent !important;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;
  a:visited {
    text-decoration: underline;
  a[href]:after {
    content: " (" attr(href) ")";
  abbr[title]:after {
    content: " (" attr(title) ")";
  a[href^="javascript:"]:after {
    content: "";
  blockquote {
    border: 1px solid #999;

    page-break-inside: avoid;
  thead {
    display: table-header-group;
  img {
    page-break-inside: avoid;
  img {
    max-width: 100% !important;
  h3 {
    orphans: 3;
    widows: 3;
  h3 {
    page-break-after: avoid;
  select {
    background: #fff !important;
  .navbar {
    display: none;
  .btn > .caret,
  .dropup > .btn > .caret {
    border-top-color: #000 !important;
  .label {
    border: 1px solid #000;
  .table {
    border-collapse: collapse !important;
  .table td,
  .table th {
    background-color: #fff !important;
  .table-bordered th,
  .table-bordered td {
    border: 1px solid #ddd !important;

Best option I found was http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/

html2canvas(document.body, {  
  onrendered: function(canvas) {