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How to create a NumberFormat in Java that supports both an upper-case and a lower-case E as an Exponent Separator?

I have the following code:

NumberFormat numberInstance = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

which produces the following output:


Is there a way to tweak a NumberFormat to recognize both an upper- and lower-case E as the exponent separator? Is there a best work-around? Anything better than running toUpper() on the input first?

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Paul Jackson Avatar asked Dec 18 '12 02:12

Paul Jackson

1 Answers

The answer is "no", not directly.

Although using toUpperCase() directly on the input is a small coding overhead to pay for consistency, there is this workaround:

NumberFormat numberInstance = new NumberFormat() {
    public Number parse(String str) {
        return super.parse(str.toUpperCase());

This is an anonymous class that overrides the parse() method to imbue case insensitivity to its implementation.

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Bohemian Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10
