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How to create a new column based on values from other columns in a Pandas DataFrame

I'm new to programming and Pandas. Therefore, please do not judge strictly.

To this table, I need to add a new column of values got from other columns.

inp = [{'Date':2003, 'b1':5,'b2':0,'b3':4,'b4':3},{'Date':2003, 'b1':2,'b2':2,'b3':1,'b4':8},{'Date':2004, 'b1':2,'b2':3,'b3':1,'b4':1},{'Date':2004, 'b1':1,'b2':8,'b3':2,'b4':1},{'Date':2005, 'b1':2,'b2':1,'b3':6,'b4':2},{'Date':2006, 'b1':1,'b2':7,'b3':2,'b4':9}]
df = pd.DataFrame(inp)
print (df)

   Date  b1  b2  b3  b4
0  2003   5   0   4   3
1  2003   2   2   1   8
2  2004   2   3   1   1
3  2004   1   8   2   1
4  2005   2   1   6   2
5  2006   1   7   2   9

Namely, depending on the date. That is if the value of column "Date" == 2003 - I need to get the value from column b1, if the value of column "Date" = 2004 then I need to get the value from column b2, "Date" = 2004 - column b3 and so on. So the values of new column should be: 5,2,3,8,6,9.

I have a dictionary of correspondences smt. like:

Corr_dict = {2003:'b1',2004:'b2',2005:'b4',2006:'b7'...}

This is just an example. I have a large dataset, so I want to understand the mechanics.

Sorry for the poor question formatting. I will be very grateful for any help.

expected output

   Date  b1  b2  b3  b4  vals
0  2003   5   0   4   3   5.0
1  2003   2   2   1   8   2.0
2  2004   2   3   1   1   3.0
3  2004   1   8   2   1   8.0
4  2005   2   1   6   2   6.0
5  2006   1   7   2   9   9.0
like image 396
Roman Perkhaliuk Avatar asked Apr 09 '20 14:04

Roman Perkhaliuk

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3 Answers

I'd use df.lookup:

df['Correspond'] = df.lookup(df.index, df['Date'].map(dd))


import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

inp = [{'Date':2003, 'b1':5,'b2':0,'b3':4,'b4':3},{'Date':2003, 'b1':2,'b2':2,'b3':1,'b4':8},{'Date':2004, 'b1':2,'b2':3,'b3':1,'b4':1},{'Date':2004, 'b1':1,'b2':8,'b3':2,'b4':1},{'Date':2005, 'b1':2,'b2':1,'b3':6,'b4':2},{'Date':2006, 'b1':1,'b2':7,'b3':2,'b4':9}]
df = pd.DataFrame(inp)

dd = {2003:'b1', 2004:'b2', 2005:'b3', 2006:'b4'}

df['Correspond'] = df.lookup(df.index, df['Date'].map(dd))


   Date  b1  b2  b3  b4  Correspond
0  2003   5   0   4   3           5
1  2003   2   2   1   8           2
2  2004   2   3   1   1           3
3  2004   1   8   2   1           8
4  2005   2   1   6   2           6
5  2006   1   7   2   9           9
like image 164
Scott Boston Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Scott Boston


like image 2
BENY Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


IIUC, I would write a function for that:

def extract(df, year):
    min_year = df['Date'].min()
    return df.loc[df['Date']==year, df.columns[year+1 - min_year]]

extract(df, 2003)
# 0    5
# 1    2
# Name: b1, dtype: int64

And for all year as a colunms:

pd.concat(extract(df, year).rename('new_col') for year in df['Date'].unique())


0    5
1    2
2    3
3    8
4    6
5    9
Name: new_col, dtype: int64
like image 2
Quang Hoang Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Quang Hoang