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How to create a modal confirmation dialog before delete with ember-cli

I am trying to create a users manager, I can create edit and delete users, In the delete action I want to display a modal confirmation dialog with a "proceed" & "cancel" buttons, to confirm user's suppression.

What are the best practice to do that, I am using ember-cli 0.2.3, There a lot of suggestions in the net, I am a little bit confused with those solutions, what is the standard or the best way to create modals with Ember-CLI ?

like image 858
Grimmy Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 02:11


1 Answers

YOu should bind your toggleModal function with the delete button and your deleteUser fucntion with the 'ok' button in the modal.

For example:

//button to call modal
<button {{action 'showModal' 'modal-main'}}>Delete User</button>

//ok button on the modal
<button {{action 'deleteAfterConfirm' 'modal-main'}}>Ok</button>

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    actions: {
        deleteAfterConfirm: function(userId) {
          if (confirm("Want to delete?");) {
        showModal: function(targetId) {
            var modal = Ember.Views.views[targetId];

You can see here in detail how to create and style your modal

like image 85
Roumelis George Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Roumelis George