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How to create a matrix from a table with three text columns

I have created a view out of some tables which consist data regarding authorisation info for some users. An example:

Role         Page         Right

Admin        Home         RW
Manager      Home         RW
Viewer       Home         R
Admin        Overview     RW
Manager      Overview     R
Viewer       Overview     R
Admin        Settings     RW        

My goal is to create a new view like a matrix, which shows the following:

Page         Admin     Manager   Viewer

Home          RW         RW        R
Overview      RW         R         R
Settings      RW 

Is there a way I can accomplish this in SSMS, keeping in mind that more roles could be added in the future and I don't have to update my code every time a role is created?

Thanks in advance!

like image 305
Bryan Avatar asked Aug 22 '19 13:08


1 Answers

You should use PIVOT statement:

FROM table1 AS t
PIVOT (MAX([RIGHT]) FOR [ROLE] IN ([Admin], [Manager], [Viewer])) AS pvt 

If you have a changing Role column you may use code like this:

SELECT @ColumnNames = STUFF(
               SELECT DISTINCT ',['  + [ROLE]+ ']'
               FROM  trtr
               ORDER BY 1 
                      FOR XML PATH('')
           ), 1, 1, '') 

SET @Query = 'SELECT * 
FROM trtr AS t
PIVOT (MAX([RIGHT]) FOR [ROLE] IN (' + @ColumnNames + ')) AS pvt'          
EXEC sp_executesql @Query

However you wouldn't be able to use it as a view. You will have to create a procedure

like image 132
ilyazakharov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
