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How to create a login form using emberJS?

I would like create a login form using emberjs views. Any idea which controls I can use for this.

Does emberJS supports form control and other UI controls like, grid, list etch. I know it is framework for development, however it supports few controls like textField textArea Check box.

That said, why it is not supporting other controls like panel.

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niran Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 19:01


2 Answers

Davis got it right, however there are a few improvements to be made to his code.

  1. Ember.Button is deprecated. Instead, use a button tag.
  2. In your view, define a submit event. It will get triggered when your form is submitted. No need to manually set an action on the button.
  3. Your views shouldn't be doing any $.ajax stuff. Delegate that to the controller.

So, after refactoring, the code will look something like this:

App = Ember.Application.create({});

App.loginController = Ember.Object.create({
    login: function(username, password) {
      // $.ajax stuff goes here

App.LoginFormView = Ember.View.extend({
    tagName: 'form',
    username: null,
    password: null,

    submit: function(event) {

        var username = this.get('username');
        var password = this.get('password');

        this.get('controller').login(username, password)

And your template:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="login">
    {{#view App.LoginFormView}}
          {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="view.username"}} 
          {{view Ember.TextField type="password" valueBinding="view.password"}}

Edit: After some thought, probably all the logic I put into the controller should actually go to the router. Controllers should be used for connecting models to views.

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Alexander Zaytsev Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 04:01

Alexander Zaytsev

I built a login form yesterday, I assume you want to build an asynchronous one.

I started out by looking at this gist, the API has changed a bit since then however so now it looks a bit different:


App = Ember.Application.create({});

App.loginController = Ember.Object.create({
    // do login stuff

App.LoginFormView = Ember.View.extend({
    username: null,
    password: null,

    submitLogin: function() {
        var username = this.get('login');
        var password = this.get('password');
        console.log('Login: ' + login + ' Password: ' + password);

        // do the login, probably by $.post()ing to your login page


<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="login">
    {{#view App.LoginFormView tagName="form"}}
        {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="view.username"}} 
        {{view Ember.TextField type="password" valueBinding="view.password"}}
        {{#view Ember.Button target="parentView" action="submitLogin"}}Login{{/view}}

As for your other questions, I can't answer them completely (I'm relatively new to Ember.js), but I think the core philosophy of Ember.js is to mostly be an architectural framework (but with nice tie-ins to Handlebars.js), not an architectural and UI framework like its predecessor, SproutCore.

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Davis Sorenson Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 04:01

Davis Sorenson