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how to create a link to each category



I am trying to create a navigation bar displaying all the categories and then by clicking on each category, it then links to all the posts in that category.

I tried below, it displays all the categories but not as a link.

{% for category in site.categories %}
   <div class= "categories-title"><a name="{{ category | first }}">{{ category | first   }}</a></div>   
{% endfor %}

I also tried jekyll-category-archive-plugin as below, but it gives Error: Unknown tag 'category'.

{% for category in site categories %}
  {% category link category %}This is a link to {{category}} {% endcategorylink %}
{% endfor %}

Can anyone give me some tips how to best do this?

Thanks a lot. Jing

like image 337
Jing Avatar asked Sep 21 '14 11:09


People also ask

What is a category link?

You can link categories to each other so items in one category can be identified as belonging to another category. For example, you can link an Accessories category to a Women's category.

Can I link to a category in WordPress?

Each Link in WordPress is filed under one or more Link Categories. This aids in navigation and allows Links to be grouped with others of similar content. In creating Link Categories, recognize that each Link Category name must be unique.

How do I create a category link in WordPress?

Adding Category and Subcategory in WordPress Post URLs There you need to click on the 'custom structure' option under common settings area. Next, you need to add /%category%/%postname%/ in the field next to custom structure. After that, don't forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.

How do I link to a blog category?

On the header section of the main blog page, you can link to each category using hyperlinks. Here's how: Type out the categories you're linking into a text block. Highlight the text, then click the link button just as you would hyperlink any text.

2 Answers

There's another solution that works on GitHub Pages:
One single page that contains all posts for all categories.

I answered a similar question here where I showed how to do this:
An easy way to support tags in a jekyll blog

In my answer, I'm using tags instead of categories, but as far as I know, both work exactly the same way.
(so you can just take my code and replace site.tags by site.categories)

The generated HTML for each tag will look something like this:

  <h3 id="jekyll">jekyll</h3>
      <a href="/blah/">Newest Jekyll post</a>
      <a href="/foo/">Older Jekyll post</a>

That was the page which displays all posts for each category.
Now to the categories list in the navigation bar.

Again, take a look at the HTML above:
Thanks to the id="jekyll" part, you can use the link /tags/#jekyll to load the /tags/ page and directly jump to the Jekyll tag.

On my site, I'm using this everywhere where I'm linking to the /tags/ page.

To create these links in your navigation bar as well, you just need to take the first example code from your question and change this:

<a name="{{ category | first }}">

...to this:

<a href="/tags/#{{ category | first }}">

(I'll just assume that your categories page is under the URL /tags/ as well, like in my example)

So the complete code will look like that:

{% for category in site.categories %}
    <div class="categories-title"><a href="/tags/#{{ category | first }}">{{ category | first }}</a></div>   
{% endfor %}

The generated HTML will have a link like the following, for each category:

<div class="categories-title"><a href="/tags/#jekyll">jekyll</a></div> 


You wrote in a comment:

I see that you have all tags with posts on one page. I have created a categories page and I would like to use this page as a template. While clicking each category in the navigation bar, I would like it to link to its own page.

In the meantime, I wrote a blog post about building separate category pages without a plugin:
Separate pages per tag/category with Jekyll (without plugins)

like image 60
Christian Specht Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Christian Specht

Jekyll doesn't render archive pages automatically like category pages by default. You have to create category pages yourself or use a plugin like »Category archive plugin for Jekyll«. But I guess this won't work, if you use GitHub Pages with Jekyll.

like image 30
Phlow Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
