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How to create a file like the MNIST dataset




So i have a bunch of images (PNG) and their names can be used as labels. Is there a tool or an example on how i can take those images and create a dataset like the MNIST IDX one.

There are a lot of examples on how to read them but no examples on how to create them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

like image 361
Andriy Lysak Avatar asked Nov 12 '14 23:11

Andriy Lysak

1 Answers

This can help.

The -images- files were written using the function save-idx3-ubyte and the -labels- files with the function save-idx1-ubyte. The functions in questions are defined in lush/lsh/libidx/idx-io.lsh The file format is described in the section "IDX file format for compilable I/O" which is under "standard libraries" -> "Tensor/Matrix/Scalar/Vector libraries" -> "IDX reading and writing".

The 32-bit ints in the header of the files may be byte-swapped.

-- Yann


like image 126
sinhayash Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
