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How to create a dynamodb table using AWS CLI?

I am trying below command after aws

--configure command:

aws dynamodb create-table 
--table-name MusicCollection2 

 AttributeName=Artist,AttributeType=S AttributeName=SongTitle,AttributeType=S --

key-schema AttributeName=Artist,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=SongTitle,KeyType=RANGE 

--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5

Output: Nothing

Please give suggestion how to create dyanmodb table using AWS CLI.

like image 202
Anoop Kumar Avatar asked Feb 24 '17 09:02

Anoop Kumar

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1 Answers

  1. Create the JSON file create-table-movies.json with the below content

        "TableName": "MusicCollection2",
        "KeySchema": [
          { "AttributeName": "Artist", "KeyType": "HASH" },
          { "AttributeName": "SongTitle", "KeyType": "RANGE" }
        "AttributeDefinitions": [
          { "AttributeName": "Artist", "AttributeType": "S" },
          { "AttributeName": "SongTitle", "AttributeType": "S" }
        "ProvisionedThroughput": {
          "ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
          "WriteCapacityUnits": 5
  2. Browse to the file path on DOS command prompt (assuming Windows OS) and execute the below command

Creates the table on local DynamoDB:-

    aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://create-table-movies.json --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

To create the table on AWS DynamoDB service, please provide the correct region name. If your config is done already, it should work.

aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://create-table-movies.json --region us-west-2

AWS CLI Configure:-

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: accesskey
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: secretkey
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]:

Once you execute the above command, it updates the data on your profile (on windows).


Check the following files:-

config   - should have the region name
credentials  - should have access key and secret key

Credentials Sample:-

aws_access_key_id = aaaadffewe
aws_secret_access_key = t45435egfdg456retgfg

Config File Sample:-

region = us-east-1
like image 108
notionquest Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
