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How to create a DbDataAdapter given a DbCommand or DbConnection?


I want to create a data access layer that works with any data provider.

I know it's possible to create a DbCommand using the factory method available on the connection.


However, I could not find anything to create a DbDataAdapter. Is this is a bug in ADO.NET or what?

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Karim Avatar asked Aug 15 '10 19:08


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2 Answers

As of .NET 4.5, when writing provider independent code, you can now use the DbProviderFactories.GetFactory overload that accepts a DbConnection to obtain the correct provider factory from which you can then create a data adapter.


DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter(DbConnection connection) {     return DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(connection).CreateDataAdapter(); } 

It seems someone on the ADO.NET team read Ian Boyd comment on his answer... :)

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João Angelo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

João Angelo

DbProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter *

Also you can get all registered DbProviders via DbProviderFactories class.

*I think this is a wrong place for this method.

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Sergey Mirvoda Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Sergey Mirvoda