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How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

People also ask

How do you add minutes to a datetime?

Use the timedelta() class from the datetime module to add minutes to datetime, e.g. result = dt + timedelta(minutes=10) . The timedelta class can be passed a minutes argument and adds the specified number of minutes to the datetime.

How do I subtract hours from a timestamp?

To subtract hours from a given timestamp, we are going to use the datetime and timedelta classes of the datetime module. Step 1: If the given timestamp is in a string format, then we need to convert it to the datetime object. For that we can use the datetime. strptime() function.

import datetime and then the magic timedelta stuff:

In [63]: datetime.datetime.now()
Out[63]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 27, 14, 39, 19, 700401)

In [64]: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
Out[64]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 27, 14, 24, 21, 684435)

 datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)

This is simply what to do:

datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15)

timedeltas are specifically designed to allow you to subtract or add deltas (differences) to datetimes.

I have provide two methods for doing so for minutes as well as for years and hours if you want to see more examples:

import datetime
print(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15))
print(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes = -15))
print(datetime.timedelta(hours = 5))
print(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days = 3))
print(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days = -9))
print(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = 9))

I get the following results:

2016-06-03 16:04:03.706615
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706622
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706642
2016-06-06 16:04:03.706665
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706676
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706687

import datetime 
datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(0, 900)

Actually 900 is in seconds. Which is equal to 15 minutes. `15*60 = 900`