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How to create a custom Python code library for the Robot Framework

I already have Python source files for some custom tasks. Can I create a custom library of these tasks as keywords and use in the Robot Framework?

like image 986
Narendra Petkar Avatar asked Nov 20 '14 11:11

Narendra Petkar

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How do I use Python keywords in Robot Framework?

In your python code you can get a reference to the BuiltIn library, and then use the Run Keyword keyword to run any keyword you want. Notice how the test case tells the call_keyword method to run the keyword Example Keyword . Of course, you don't have to pass in a keyword.

1 Answers

Yes, you can. This is all documented fairly extensively in the Robot Framework user guide, in the section titled Creating test libraries.

You have a couple of choices. You can use your module directly, which makes every method in the module available as a keyword. This is probably not what you want since the library probably wasn't designed to be used as a collection of keywords. Your second choice is to create a new library that imports your modules, and your new library provides keywords that call the functions in the other library.

As a simple example, let's say you have a module named MyLibrary.py with the following contents:

def join_two_strings(arg1, arg2):     return arg1 + " " + arg2 

You can use this directly in a test suite as in the following example, assuming that MyLibrary.py is in the same folder as the suite, or is in a folder in your PYTHONPATH:

*** Settings *** | Library | MyLibrary.py  *** Test Cases *** | Example that calls a Python keyword | | ${result}= | join two strings | hello | world | | Should be equal | ${result} | hello world 
like image 129
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Bryan Oakley