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How to create a custom GUI for a python program?

I want to create a GUI for a python program with a custom design, I have a mock-up in Photoshop and I'm looking for a library that supports theme or any other library that can do the job.

My GUI design contains gradients, borders, border radius, and a custom title bar with custom minimize and close buttons, for example take a look at the Github client for Windows, or any Adobe software installer.

I tried wxPython, I used style=wx.NO_BORDER to remove the title bar and the default border added by Windows, but I feel like I'm not using the right tool for this job and I read somewhere that wxPython is mainly for native look GUI's and not meant for this kind of customization so I should look for something else.

I found an answer here recommending the use of PyQT and QML to make high customization in GUI's, but the compiled file have a very large size.

So what should I use to create a custom GUI ? I'm looking to compile the program too so I need to do it with a reasonable file size.

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Pierre Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 14:07


1 Answers

Your initial approach with wxPython is fine, you just need a couple more style flags for your top wx.Frame:


Which will not only remove the border but the system menu and min/max/close boxes as well.

Then paint your gui background directly on the client area of your top frame. See this tutorial: and notice that wx.DeviceContext supports painting bitmaps and gradient fills.

Now make your custom buttons and have them post wx.CloseEvent, wx.IconizeEvent, and wx.MaximizeEvent events when clicked. Lay them out on your custom frame using either absolute positioning or a Sizer. Done.

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Scruffy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
