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How to create a Collection in Firestore with node.js code

I cannot figure out how to create a new Collection with the node.js firestore api. Any suggestions?

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Greg Avatar asked Oct 07 '17 18:10


People also ask

How do I create a collection in firestore node?

Collections are automatically created when you add/write a document to them. There is no need (nor API) to explicitly create a collection. From the documentation: Collections and documents are created implicitly in Cloud Firestore.

Does Firestore automatically create collections?

Collections and documents are created implicitly in Cloud Firestore. Simply assign data to a document within a collection. If either the collection or document does not exist, Cloud Firestore creates it.

1 Answers

Collections are automatically created when you add/write a document to them. There is no need (nor API) to explicitly create a collection.

From the documentation:

Collections and documents are created implicitly in Cloud Firestore. Simply assign data to a document within a collection. If either the collection or document does not exist, Cloud Firestore creates it.

like image 181
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Frank van Puffelen