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How to create a class inside Microsoft Azure Function?

May be it's a wrong question, but I need to create a Model/class and access same in azure function. I could not able to find how can I create a class.

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Ravi Anand Avatar asked May 16 '17 16:05

Ravi Anand

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1 Answers

Classes may be created inline as it would typically define a class in a regular C# project. Here's an example of a function that defines a class.

You can also define classes in separate files and reference those files using the #load directive as documented here.

Another option is to reference an assembly where your classes are defined, as documented here.

And, a different approach, and yet another option, is to use the newly announced Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure Functions

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Fabio Cavalcante Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 06:11

Fabio Cavalcante