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How to create a cancellable task loop?

Is it possible to use System.Threading.Task.Task to create a loop of task that can be cancelled?

The flow should start with a Task.Delay(x ms) then continue with userdefined task, then another Task.Delay(y ms) and repeat from the user defined task.

var result = Task.Delay(initialDelay)
              .ContinueWith(t => dostuff..)
              .ContinueWith what goes here?

Is it even doable using tasks?

I could spin up a timer and be done with it, but using task seems to be the right way to go if I need cancellation, no?

like image 903
Roger Johansson Avatar asked Feb 26 '14 17:02

Roger Johansson

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1 Answers

await makes this super easy:

public async Task TimedLoop(Action action, 
    CancellationToken token, TimeSpan delay)
    while (true)
        await Task.Delay(delay, token);

Without async (but still just using the TPL) it's a bit messier. I generally solve this problem by having a continuation that attaches itself to a variable of type Task. This works fine, but it can take a second to wrap your head around it. Without await it may be easier to just use a Timer instead.

public Task TimedLoop(Action action,
    CancellationToken token, TimeSpan delay)
    //You can omit these two lines if you want the method to be void.
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
    token.Register(() => tcs.SetCanceled());

    Task previous = Task.FromResult(true);
    Action<Task> continuation = null;
    continuation = t =>
        previous = previous.ContinueWith(t2 => action(), token)
            .ContinueWith(t2 => Task.Delay(delay, token), token)
            .ContinueWith(t2 => previous.ContinueWith(continuation, token));
    previous.ContinueWith(continuation, token);
    return tcs.Task;
like image 177
Servy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10
