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How to crash Chrome browser?

For testing purposes, I need a quick and easy way to crash my tab/browser. I'm stress testing my website, and these sites are invaluable for Google Chrome.

  • chrome://crash
  • chrome://kill
  • chrome://hang
  • chrome://quit
  • chrome://restart
  • These sites can be found at chrome://about. Another site (not listed on chrome://about is chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz- it will crash the top-level process for Chrome, including all tabs in all browser windows and all opened apps). Originally, I was trying to see what data was preserved in case of a crash. For example, the textarea in our form remained filled out upon restarting.

    However, these URL's are only valuable if I manually type the URL into the browser. Using this question (and many others I don't have the links to), I confirmed what I suspected- you can't

    • redirect to chrome:// pages
    • link to chrome:// pages
    • in any other way request info from chrome:// pages (ie. iframe)

    Link to chrome:// url from a webpage

    This poses a problem- I want to cause the browser to crash (chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz) when the user reaches a specific part of the form. Is there any script which can cause the browser to crash?

    I've tried while loops, but even when they're exponential, they take a while to kill the page, and never affect the browser. I'd like the crash to be either instantaneous, or eat up enough memory for the browser to freeze.

    like image 996
    mancestr Avatar asked Nov 01 '16 19:11


    People also ask

    How do I purposely crash my Chromebook?

    Type chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/ in the URL bar. This is a built-in debugging link that simulates a browser crash. Keep in mind that this will crash the Chromebook, so you will lose any unsaved work.

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    Does Chrome have a crash log?

    If crash reporting is enabled, browse to chrome://crashes to find the crash IDs and file a bug. If you have problems with Chrome on a Microsoft® Windows® device, use Windows Process Explorer logs to gather details about how Chrome interacts with Windows.

    1 Answers

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <h2>Crashing Now</h2>
    <p>Hit Ok To Crash</p>
    <p id="demo"></p>
    onbeforeunload = function(){localStorage.x=1};
    if(confirm("Do you REALLY want me to crash your browser?")){
      }, 1000)
    like image 114
    RandomDude Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
