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How to count vowels in Java through functional programming?

I need to count the number of vowels in a list of words in Functional Java. If I have this list:

List<String> l = Arrays.asList("hello", "world", "test");

My idea was to "delete" the vowels and then do a subtraction this way:

int tot = l.stream().map(s -> s.replace("a", "")).
            map(s -> s.replace("e", "")).
            map(s -> s.replace("i", "")).
            map(s -> s.replace("o", "")).
            map(s -> s.replace("u", "")).
            map(s -> s.length()).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
int res = l.stream().map(s->s.length()).reduce(0, Integer::sum)-tot;

Is there a better way to do this?

like image 738
Bob Rob Avatar asked Jan 31 '20 17:01

Bob Rob

People also ask

How do you find a vowel in a string?

To find the vowels in a given string, you need to compare every character in the given string with the vowel letters, which can be done through the charAt() and length() methods. charAt() : The charAt() function in Java is used to read characters at a particular index number.

How do you count the number of vowels in a string in Java regex?

replaceAll("[^aeiouAEIOU]",""). length(); and subtract from the Original word. you will get the count of vowels.

4 Answers

How about this:

List<String> vowels = Arrays.asList("a", "e", "i", "o", "u");

int count Arrays.stream(string.split(""))  // generate stream from an String[] of single character strings
    .filter(vowels::contains)  // remove all non-vowels
    .count();  // count the elements remaining
like image 93
cameron1024 Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11


You can eliminate multiple map with one map using replaceAll

    int tot = l.stream()
               .map(s -> s.replaceAll("[aeiou]", "").length())
               .reduce(0, Integer::sum);

[aeiou] it will match any char inside [] and replace it with empty string

like image 37
Pavneet_Singh Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 14:11


I'd break it to stream of chars, filter only vowels and then count:

int tot = l.stream()
  .flatmap(s -> s.chars().stream())
  .filter(c -> c == 'a' || c == 'e' ||c == 'i' ||c == 'o' ||c == 'u')
like image 26
Nir Levy Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11

Nir Levy

You're probably concerned about the multiple replace calls, which isn't really related to functional programming. One way to replace those calls is to use a regular expression and replaceAll:

.map(s -> s.replaceAll("[aeiou]", ""))

This single map replaces all 5 maps that removes the vowels.

With a regular expression, you could also remove all the non-vowels. This way, you don't have to subtract tot:

int vowels = l.stream().map(s -> s.replaceAll("[^aeiou]", ""))
                        .map(s -> s.length()).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
// no need to do anything else!

Now you still have two consecutive maps, you can combine them into one:

int vowels = l.stream().map(s -> s.replaceAll("[^aeiou]", "").length())
                        .reduce(0, Integer::sum);

This is now more functional because I've removed the step of subtracting tot. This operation is now described only as a composition of function (as far as this level of abstraction is concerned), instead of a bunch of "steps".

like image 21
Sweeper Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11
