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How to count the number of lucky numbers between L and H inclusive?



I've completed a codingame assessment but i was not able to pass all tests on one challenge about lucky numbers. I need some help.

Definition: a lucky number is a number that contains either 6s or 8s in its digits but not both. For example 16, 38, 666 are lucky numbers. 234, 687 are not.

Task: Print the number of lucky numbers between L and H inclusive.


  • L < H

  • Memory: 512MB

  • Time: 6 seconds

Here's what I did (I chose Python as programming language)

def is_lucky(nbr):
    nbr = [*str(nbr)]
    if '6' in nbr and '8' in nbr:
        return False
    if '6' in nbr or '8' in nbr:
        return True
    return False

n_lucky_number = 0
for number in range(L, H + 1):
    n_lucky_number += is_lucky(number)

I failed the tests where L and H are big (or the gap between) due to timeout.

L, H = 1, 1000000000000000000

L, H = 92871036442, 3363728910382456

Could someone help me to optimize my code?

like image 542
Dimitri K. Sifoua Avatar asked Jun 03 '20 17:06

Dimitri K. Sifoua

People also ask

How can I calculate my lucky number?

To calculate this, you have to calculate the complete date of birth i.e. date of birth, month of birth and year of birth. For example, if a person was born on 4.10.1995, then to calculate his fortune number, it will be 4+10+1995. That is, 4+1+6=11=2 would be. That is, the lucky number for that person will be 2.

What is the luckiest number sequence?

Most common lucky numbers: 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 21, 25, 31, 33, 37, 43, 49, 51, 63, 67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 87, 93, 99, … Number 8 is lucky in Chinese culture because the Chinese word for “eight” sounds like the word for “wealth”.

What is lucky number logic?

The sequence of natural numbers or subset of integers that we get after removing second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on number respectively from the sequence. By applying the process there still remains some numbers indefinitely in the sequence such numbers are known as lucky numbers.

2 Answers

def coo(a):
    for i,j in enumerate(b):
        for k in range(int(j)):
            if k==6 or k==8:
                if k==6 and "8" not in c:
                elif k==8 and "6" not in c:
            elif "6" not in c and "8" not in c:
            elif "6" in c or "8" in c:
        if "6" in c and "8" in c:
like image 193
sulav shrestha Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

sulav shrestha

It's an interesting problem and @sulav shrestha has already delivered a working algorithm. Unfortunately his answer lacks some explanation and the code itself can be cleaner.

As others have pointed out, you have to come up with a formula in order to perform with big numbers.

@user3386109 rightfully pointed out that lucky(L,H) = lucky(0,H) - lucky(0,L-1). From there let's see how many lucky numbers there are between 0 and any given number.
In a decimal base, any number can be written like a sum of power of ten:

12345 = 1e4 + 2e3 + 3e2 + 4e1 + 5e0

So let's calculate the number of lucky numbers between 0 and 10^n. It comes down to count the possible combinations of n-digits numbers with either:

  • no 8 and at least one 6
  • no 6 and at least one 8

The number of combination with no 8 is 9^n (you get to choose among 9 possibilities for each of the n digits). Then you remove all combinations NOT containing any 6: 8^n.

So the number of lucky numbers between 0 and 10^n is 2*(9^n-8^n).

From there you can iterate over your digits from left to right and count:

import time
def magic_numbers_until(num):
    for i,digit in enumerate(num_str):          # we're going from left to right in num
        for k in range(int(digit)):             # summing all magic numbers for this power of ten
            if (k==6 or k==8                    # if 6 (resp. 8) was already seen,
                or "6" in c or "8" in c):       # you just calculate the combinations without 8 (resp. 6)
            else:                               # the case described in my answer
        if "6" in c and "8" in c:               # if 6 and 8 are in num, all remaining combinations will be non-magic
t0 = time.time()  
like image 34
Tranbi Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
