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How to count lines in a file on hdfs command?


I have a file on HDFS that I want to know how many lines are. (testfile)

In linux, I can do:

wc -l <filename> 

Can I do something similar with "hadoop fs" command? I can print file contents with:

hadoop fs -text /user/mklein/testfile 

How do I know how many lines do I have? I want to avoid copying the file to local filesystem then running the wc command.

Note: My file is compressed using snappy compression, which is why I have to use -text instead of -cat

like image 244
Setsuna Avatar asked Sep 16 '15 15:09


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1 Answers

Total number of files: hadoop fs -ls /path/to/hdfs/* | wc -l

Total number of lines: hadoop fs -cat /path/to/hdfs/* | wc -l

Total number of lines for a given file: hadoop fs -cat /path/to/hdfs/filename | wc -l

like image 168
Soumick Dasgupta Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Soumick Dasgupta